Here students will become familiar with the tools that daily a web developer uses to implement various tasks including both doing his job and collaborate with other developers to get feedback and suggest improvements.
Some of these tools are specialized code editors such as the Visual studio editor, the node.js that lets developers use JavaScript to produce dynamic web page content, Git, Github as Version Control Systems for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. Moreover students will become familiar with Filezilla and understand how to use it to upload their projects to the web server of this course.
Here students will enhance their knowledge of HTML and CSS and they will learn the Bootstrap front-end framework. Bootstrap framework is a free and very powerful tool for acquiring new and modern skills where students will have the ability to build a modern and mobile responsive website.
Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates as well as optional JavaScript plugins.
Here students will learn the most popular programming language among web developers – JavaScript as well as JavaScript libraries and frameworks.
Students after an analytical study of JavaScript will be also introduced to the newest version of JavaScript – ES6 and do a short introduction to TypeScript focused on what we will need for Angular.
Next they will examine the JavaScript library p5.js which makes coding accessible for artists, scientists designers and educators.
Students will also learn the Angular framework that creates Single Page Applications for WEB and Mobile WEB.
Here the students will create their own Wordpress site using the web server of this course.
They will have the ability to collaborate with other students to develop a project.