Robotics - 3D Printing - Internet of Things
Topic outline
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After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- state what is the NodeMCU board
- describe and analyze the applications of NodeMCU board and ESP8266 chip
- distinguish the basic elements of Arduino IDE
- setup the Arduino IDE to their computers based on NodeMCU settings
- state what is the NodeMCU board
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- describe what is an LED and its use
- state what is a resistor and its function
- combine electronic elements in order to create a circuit
- create the code to make an LED blink
- describe what is an LED and its use
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- create a circuit with multiple LEDs onboard
- program the NodeMCU to make the LEDs turn ON and OFF, one by another
- change the blinking speed to faster or lower
- add more LEDs to the circuit
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- describe and use push buttons in circuits
- create a circuit to turn an LED on when we push a button
- create the code for the above circuit
- describe the use of comments inside an Arduino IDE program
- describe the binary system and match binary to decimal numbers and vice versa
- combine many LEDs and pushbuttons to create binary sequences
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