Module 7 - Section 1 - Classes
7.1.7 - Constructors
In the previous chapter we have created objects (instances of a class) and after the creation we added the fields as name, color, weight, etc.
This is not convenient and not completely correct because the time a new object is created is empty. To avoid it, we are using a constructor of an object inside the class definition.
Review the code below (
class Dog():
def __init__(self, new_name):
""" Constructor. """ = new_name
print("A new dog is born. It's name is " + new_name + ".")
The init function in this code has an argument except self. This is the of the new object. Also inside the init we can print a message to be informed of the new object.
Copy the code that creates the class to Thonny script area and save it classConstructor.
At the CLI area try to create a new dog object with a name and without a name.
>>> my_dog = Dog("Pythos")
>>> my_dog = Dog()