Day 7 - Section 4 - Controlling a device

Arduino IDE and connections

1.Connect your NodeMCU to your PC

2. Open Arduino IDE

3. Then go to File->Examples->Blynk-Boards_Wifi->Esp8266Standalone

4. Select the correct board (NodeMCU 1.0) and the com port from the Tools Menu

5. Change the credentials to yours. If you don't know them, ask the admins. The auth[] is the key that you received previously on your email. The ssid[] is the name of your WiFi network and the pass[] is the password.

char auth[] = "????????????";

char ssid[] = "XXXXXXXXXX";
char pass[] = "YYYYYYYYYYY";

Finally Save the file and Press Upload.

Also, make the necessary connections to your circuit:

We connected the LED on pin D7 which corresponds to GPIO13.

Now go back to your mobile press Play with the button in Blynk!