Submodule 11.2: The Color in Gimp
The HSV color model
The hue (H) of a color is a property which describes how close a color is to a pure color.
Hues can be represented by a number that specifies the position of the corresponding pure color on the color wheel, as a fraction between 0 and 1. Value 0ο refers to red; 60ο to yellow; 120ο to green, and so forth around the color wheel.
Let's change the Hue from 0 to 360:
The saturation (S) of a color describes how white a color is. A pure red is fully saturated, with a saturation of 1; tints of red have saturations less than 1, and white has a saturation of 0.
Let's change the saturation of the red color from 100 to 0:
The value (V) of a color, also called its lightness, describes how dark or white a color is. A value of 0 is black, with increasing lightness moving away from black. A value of 100 is white.
Let's change the value of the red color from 100 to 0 :
The Hue Saturation Tool
The Hue-Saturation tool is used to adjust hue, saturation and lightness levels on a range of color weights for the selected or active layer.
In the next example, we will change the color of all tree leaves to green.
You can find the file of the video: courseGimp>xcfFiles>image4.xcf
- Open the "ballon.png" file in the folder "courseGimp>freeImages" with your Gimp and save it as
in the folder "courseGimp>exercises". - Open the "Hue- Saturation tool".
- Modify and save the file. The new image should be as shown in the following image: