Submodule 8.3: Form validation
6. The input type="email" element
The below code creates the validation for the input type="email".
According to user's input, it displays the appropriate border color. It also displays the appropriate message in the span area with id "mailInfo".
The HTML code:
<div class = "required">
<label for="mail">Your email:</label>
<input type="email" name="mail" id="mail"
placeholder="Your email goes here" required />
<span id="mailInfo"></span>
and the JavaScript code:
var mymail = document.getElementById("mail");
var mymailInfo = document.getElementById("mailInfo");
mymail.oninput = function () {
if (!this.validity.valid) {"solid 3px red";
mymailInfo.innerHTML="Your email must be in the correct format. "
else { = "green"; = "none"
will create an input displayed as: