Week 3 - Section 1 - Data types and a bit of gaming

Chapter 4.8 - Pygame

4.8 - Pygame (finally)

The basic template for the pygame code follows. Click on the link below, copy the contents of the file to Thonny and save it as pygame_basic (or with whatever name you like).

Pygame basic template

So what is all of the commands?

import pygame # it imports the library pygame

Colors are not known to Python, so we create them using Red Green and Blue (RGB) numbers from 0 to 255. So color (0, 128, 255) is no Red half(128) Green and full Blue. You can view the results here. We use CAPITAL letters for variables that don't change (we usually call them constants).

pygame.init() # starts the pygame 

size = (700,500) # Set the width and height of the screen

screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) # creates a window and name it screen

pygame.display.set_caption("My Game") # This is the name on the top of the window

done = False # We create a variable that is called done and when this variable turns to True, during the game, the game stops.

clock = pygame.time.Clock() # It controls the refresh rate

The three following commands wait for user interaction (event). QUIT is when we press the X button on the top of the window. Then variable done changes to True and the code gets out of the loop

for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            done = True

screen.fill(WHITE) # background is WHITE. Try to change it to other defined colors.

pygame.display.flip() # update the screen

clock.tick(60) # refresh 60 times a second

When the code gets out of the loop

pygame.quit() # Close the window and quit.

In case you want to review what the commands are doing it this template you can view the following video :