Submodule 3.1: Front-end frameworks

Why to use Front-end frameworks?

As we explained Front-end frameworks enable as to build websites quickly.
However, the above is not the only reason why we use them.

Front-end frameworks provide us with what is called “responsive web design”.

Responsive web design is what enables users to effectively access your website from various devices and screen sizes ( e.g. mobiles, ipads, laptops, desktops).
When using a framework, the site is automatically arranged to fit the screen without additional code.

Also, frameworks take care of the cross-browser compatibility.

You may have noticed that no two browsers show the same page with exactly the same way. Sometimes the changes are small, but there are times where something may be completely different or not working on one browser.
Frameworks, minimize this effect and makes content appear to multiple browsers almost identical.

To summarize, we use Front-end frameworks because they provide us with:

  • ready-made features that minimize our time
  • responsive web design
  • cross-browser compatibility