Submodule 13.1: Introduction to ES6

Arrow functions

Arrow functions is another new feature of ES6. 

They provide a way to write functions using shorter syntax. Mainly, the functions that are converted to arrow, are the anonymous functions. 

What are anonymous functions?

Anonymous are the functions that do not have a name.

The syntax of an anonymous function is:

function (parameters) {
// do something

The conversion of the above to an arrow function would look like:

(parameters) => {
// do something

Now you have your first example of an arrow function. As you can see it is more concise from the traditional way to write functions.

What is interesting, is that this can become even more concise.

If there is only one expression you can leave off the {}

(param1, param2, …, paramN) => expression

If there is only one parameter then the parenthesis are optional

singleParam => { statements }

Arrow function Example

See more about Arrow functions