Submodule 19.2: Getting Started with Angular

Site: ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ Moodle
Course: Study / Web Design and Web Development
Book: Submodule 19.2: Getting Started with Angular
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Date: Thursday, 25 April 2024, 10:59 PM


  • Installing Angular
  • Installing Bootstrap
  • Adding Font Awsome
  • Testing Project


In this submodule, we will learn some basics of Angular and how to configure an Angular application using the Angular-CLI, the command line tool.

  • We will create an angular-sub-folder using angular-cli.
  • We will install the Bootstrap CSS framework.
  • We will add the Font Awesome icons
  • We will test the setup of the Project

Installing Angular

We have already installed the Angular-cli on your computer. This cli  will enable us to create Angular applications in any place on our computer. Check if the Angular is installed on your computer. Type the following in a terminal window:

ng -v

 To learn more about the various commands that this CLI provides, type at the prompt:

ng help

Setting up the Angular sub-folder

Go to your folder location on your desktop and ...

  • create a sub-folder with the name angularYourName
  • Open your terminal and move to this folder

  • To create the angularChocoYourname  angular-sub-folder, run in the terminal:
ng new angularChocoYourname

Move to the angularChocoYourname folder and type the following at the prompt:

ng serve –open

This will compile the project and then open a tab in your default browser at the address http://localhost:4200.

Open the  angularChocoYourname  angular-sub-folder in your Visual Studio editor, find the file …\src\app\app.component.ts and change the title from app to Application (line 9). Save and see the change in your browser.

Do a Git command with the message "Angular initial Setup"

Installing Bootstrap

To install Bootstrap in our Angular application, open your Terminal, move to the angularChocoYourname angular-sub-folder, and run the command:

npm install bootstrap@4.1.1 --save

Note that: 

  • Using the --saveoption the dependency will be saved in package.json (Image 1)
  • As npm informs us, we are not able to use the JavaScript-based Bootstrap classes because these need the jquery and popper libraries. We will solve this problem later. (Image 2)

Now that the project is set up it must be configured to include the bootstrap CSS.

  • Open the file angular-cli.json from the root of your project.
  • Inside apps locate the styles property.
  • This property allows external global styles to be applied to your application.
  • Specify the path to bootstrap.min.css adding the code:
  • It should look like the (Image 3) when you are done.

Adding Font Awesome

You can include Font Awesome to the angularChocoYourname angular-sub-folder by using npm and typing the following at the prompt:

npm install font-awesome@4.7.0 --save

The project must be configured to include the Font Awesome adding the following line of code to the file angular-cli.json 


Testing Project

Open app.component.html and add the following markup:

<button class="btn btn-primary">Boorstrap is working</button>
<i class="fa fa-bath" aria-hidden="true"></i>
And so is Font Awesome!

With the application configured, run ng serve to run your application in development mode. In your browser navigate to the URL localhost:4200. Verify that the bootstrap styled button and the icon appear.

Do commit the changes to the Git repository with the message "Styling Angular".

Do a Git commit

Commit the changes to the Git repository with the message "Styling Angular".


In this submodule, you installed the Angular CLI tool, created and styled a basic Angular project and served up the compiled project to your browser.