Submodule 19.2: Getting Started with Angular

Setting up the Angular sub-folder

Go to your folder location on your desktop and ...

  • create a sub-folder with the name angularYourName
  • Open your terminal and move to this folder

  • To create the angularChocoYourname  angular-sub-folder, run in the terminal:
ng new angularChocoYourname

Move to the angularChocoYourname folder and type the following at the prompt:

ng serve –open

This will compile the project and then open a tab in your default browser at the address http://localhost:4200.

Open the  angularChocoYourname  angular-sub-folder in your Visual Studio editor, find the file …\src\app\app.component.ts and change the title from app to Application (line 9). Save and see the change in your browser.

Do a Git command with the message "Angular initial Setup"