Submodule 6.1: The model of event-driven programming



  1. Create two new folders in the folder "yourNameWEB2JS ". The first one is the "css" folder and the second is the "js" folder.
  2. Open your editor, create a new file and save it as exersice06.1.html in the folder "yourNameWEB2JS". Copy the HTML code and paste it in this file.
  3. Create a new file and save it as mystyle.css in the folder "css". Copy the CSS code and paste it in this file.
  4. Create a new file and save it as myscript.jsin the folder "js". Copy the JavaScript code and paste it in this file.
  5. Save all these files and preview the HTML file in your editor or your browser. Does everything appear right? 
  6. You could add some CSS rules for more attractive appearance.