G Suite account

3. To make a new account

  1. Click Create account at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Enter your name and username in the fields provided. You can use letters, periods and numerals in your username. Google ignores capitalization. If your username choice is already in use, try again until you get a username that no one else already has.
  3. Enter a password and re-enter it in the fields provided. Your password must be at least eight characters long.
  4. Enter your birth-date and gender in the fields provided.

  5. Enter your account recovery information, which may be a cell phone number or an alternate email address.
  6. Agree to Google's privacy information, and you have a new Gmail account.
  7. Return to the Google.com webpage, and click Gmail at the top of the screen.

  8. Review the introductory information on several pages and then click Go to Gmail on the screen. Enter your new sign in credentials and password if prompted to do so.