Module 1 - Section 2 - Input and Sequential Flow
Module 1 - Section 2 - Input and Sequential Flow
1.2.2 - Data type conversion
In the previous example we have read from the input and assign what we have read to a variable.
In the case of the age input is something preventing as from writting the age with letters?
Try this in CLI
>>> a = input("Enter a number : ")
print (a)How can we find what type is a variable? We can use the command type. Try the following code sequentially in the command line entering a floating point number (ex. 34.5).>>> a = input("Enter a number : ")
>>> type (a)
As you can view variable a is a string. You must remember that anything that it is read from the input without conversion is treated as a string. To convert a string to an integer or to a floating point number we can use the int() or float() data conversion commands.
Now try the following commands sequentially:
>>> a = input("Enter a number : ")
>>> 17
>>> print (a)
>>> print(a+2)
The previous command produces an error. Why? Find out usind the following commands.
>>> type(a)
>>> a = int(a)
>>> type(a)
>>> print(a)
>>> print(a+2)
>>> a = float(a)
>>> type(a)
>>> print(a+5)