7.1.5 - References

Take a look at the following code.

class Person(): def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.money = 0 bob = Person() bob.name = "Bob" bob.money = 100 nancy = Person() nancy.name = "Nancy" print(bob.name, "has", bob.money, "euros.") print(nancy.name, "has", nancy.money, "dollars.")

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The code above has nothing new. But the code below has a diffrence:

class Person(): def __init__(self): self.name = "" self.money = 0 bob = Person() bob.name = "Bob" bob.money = 100 nancy = bob nancy.name = "Nancy" print(bob.name, "has", bob.money, "euros.") print(nancy.name, "has", nancy.money, "euros.")

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The difference in pythontutor is in line 10. nancy is a reference to bob. Besides reference, we can call this address, pointer, or handle. A reference is an address in computer memory for where the object is stored. This address is a hexadecimal number which, if printed out, might look something like 0x1e504. When the code  is executed, the address is copied rather than the entire object the address points to.

reference address