Downloading Bootstrap

Open a cmd window/terminal and move to the leChocolat folder.

Use npm to fetch the Bootstrap files for use within your project:

npm install bootstrap@4.1.0 --save

The bootstrap->dist folder contains the precompiled Bootstrap CSS and JS files for use within your project

npm install jquery@3.3.1 --save

The jqery>dist folder contains the precompiled JS files for use within your project

npm install tether@1.4.4 --save

The tether>dist>js folder contains the precompiled JS files for use within your project

npm install popper.js --save

The popper>dist>js folder contains the precompiled JS files for use within your project

Open leChocolat folder in your editor, and then open the index.html file in the leChocolat folder. 

This is your starting web page for the project. I have already created the web page with some content to get you started. We will use Bootstrap to style this web page, and learn Bootstrap features, classes and components along the way.

Start your lite-server by typing

npm start

at the prompt.  The index.html file should now be loaded into your default browser.