Robotics - 3D Printing - Internet of Things
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After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- describe and use a photoresistor
- build a circuit to sense and measure the light
- use the Serial Monitor inside the Arduino IDE
- visualize the light amount to values into the Serial Monitor
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- handle a laser beam
- create a circuit turn a laser beam ON and OFF
- code the NodeMCU to flash the laser beam
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- describe what is a buzzer and its uses
- create a circuit with a buzzer and NodeMCU
- program the NodeMCU to produce single audio signals (beeps)
- produce melodies combining specific commands in Arduino IDE, with NodeMCU and a buzzer
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- create a circuit based on a laser pointer, a photoresistor, a buzzer and a NodeMCU board
- create a program to make the above circuit function as a laser trap
- describe the concept of a variable
- use different types of variables as boolean or integer
- reset the circuit after its activation to stop the buzzer beeping
- create a circuit based on a laser pointer, a photoresistor, a buzzer and a NodeMCU board
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