Robotics - 3D Printing - Internet of Things
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After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- describe the RGB color model
- state the difference between an RGB LED and a single color LED
- distinguish and use the legs of an RGB LED
- create a circuit with an RGB LED
- program the NodeMCU to change the color of an RGB LED with their smartphone
- create a ZeRGBa project to their smartphone
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- describe the Relay device and its uses
- create a circuit with a Relay and a NodeMCU to control a high or low voltage device with their smartphones
- build the code to make their smartphone communicate with the circuit
- create a Relay project in Blynk app
After the completion of this section the students will be able to:
- create a circuit which uses many of electronic devices to simulate the operation of an autonomous Air-Conditioner
- build a program to automate the process and communicate with their smartphone
- create a Blynk project to supervise the history and the current environmental conditions of the place that the AC is installed
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