Submodule 19.3: Angular Components
Submodule 19.3: Angular Components
Completion requirements
- Component
- Interpolation
- Structural directives
- Pipes
Further reading
- Angular templates are dynamic
- Directives give instructions to Angular on how to render the templates to the page
- A directive can be defined in Angular as a class with the @Directive decorator
- A component is a special kind of directive with a template associated with it
- Two other kinds of directives in Angular: Structural and Attribute
Structural Directives
- Allows you to alter the layout by adding, removing and replacing elements in a page
- Apply a structural directive to a host element in the DOM and its descendants
- Common Structural Directives
- NgIf <div *ngIf=“selectedDish”> . . . </div>
- NgFor <md-list-item *ngFor="let dish of dishes">
- NgSwitch