Week 1 - Section 2 - Robot driving
Week 1 - Section 2 - Robot driving
Completion requirements
In the first week we will learn about the edison robot, its capabilities, sensors and communication with the software. We will also learn how to use the EdWare, the software for programming edison robots.
Chapter 2.4 - Speed play
Write the following program to drive the Edison robot forward and then backward. Use the activity sheet as start and stop markers.
This time change the time and the speed!
Feel free to add new icons to your program such as play beep, flash LED or even play music.
1. Start from behind the start line and stop before the finish line,
then drive backwards and stop before the start line as fast as possible!
2. Start from behind the start line and stop before the finish line,
then drive backwards and stop before the start line as slow as possible!