Glass Lonomer Cement Luting I | Boss Dent India

Glass Lonomer Cement Luting I | Boss Dent India

by Sanna Khan -
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Glass Lonomer Cement Luting I is a truly biocompatible, quick-set, contemporary luting glass lonomer cement that ensures reliable and long-lasting restorations.


·        Cementation of metal-based inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges.

·        Cementation of high-strength (Zirconia based) all ceramic crowns and bridges.

·        Cementation of posts and screws made of metal or high-strength ceramic.

·        Cementation of orthodontic bands.


·        Sustained release of fluoride ions.

·        Chemically bond to tooth structure for excellent edge sealing.

·        Optimum thixotropy and ideal film thickness.

·        Simple, convenient and efficient to operate.

·        Easier to clean than resin-bonded materials.