Color picker- Color selection

Color picker

The Color Picker Tool is used to select any color you want from an image that you have opened on Gimp. To select a color, you just click on the area of the image that contains it and it becomes the active color of the pointer.

Color selection

The Fuzzy Select (Magic Wand) tool is used to select contiguous areas of the current layer/image based on color similarity. While using it, is very important to select the correct starting point.

The Select by Color tool is designed to select areas of an image based on color similarity. It is very similar to Fuzzy Select tool (Magic Wand). However, they have one important difference. Select by Color tool, selects any image area that has significant color similarity with the pixel you clicked on, in contrast with the Magic Wand tool which only selects the connected areas.

The Threshold  slider determines the range of colors that will be selected when you click on the initial point, before dragging it: the higher the threshold, the larger the color range and thus the selection.

With the selected by option you can choose which of the Red, Green or Blue components of the image GIMP will use to calculate the similarity.

Let's use these tools to change the cloudy sky of the image to blue.

You can find the file of the video: courseGimp>xcfFiles>image60.xcf


  1. Open the "image60.xcf" file in the folder "courseGimp>xcfFiles" with your Gimp and save it as exersice11.2.03.xcf in the folder "courseGimp>exercises".
  2. Open the "Hue- Saturation tool".
  3. Modify and save the file. The new, improved image should be as shown in the following image:
