1. Share documents

Share with your team

Share a file or folder with specific people:

You can only share files that you own or have edit access to.

  1. In Drive, right-click the file or folder you want to share and select Share .
  2. Under People, enter the email address of the person or group you want to share with.

    Note: If you can't add people outside of your company or organization, contact your G Suite administrator.

  3. Click Edit and choose the access level:
      • Can edit—Collaborators can add and edit content as well as add comments.
      • Can comment (Select files only)—Collaborators can add comments, but can't edit content.
      • Can view—People can view the file, but not edit or add comments.

    Everyone you share with receives an email with a link to the file or folder.

  4. (Optional) To add a note to the email, enter your note. To skip sending an email, uncheck the Notify people box.
  5. Click Send.

Share a link to a file or folder:

You can send other people a link to a file or folder so that anyone with the link can open it. When you share a link, your name appears as the owner.

You can only share files that you own or have edit access to.

  1. In Drive, right-click the file or folder you want to share and select Share .
  2. At the top right, click Get shareable link.
  3. Click Anyone at your organization with the link can view and choose an access level:
    • Can edit—Collaborators can add and edit content as well as add comments.
    • Can comment (Select files only)—Collaborators can add comments, but can't edit content.
    • Can view—People can view the file, but not edit or add comments.
  4. Click Copy link.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Paste the link in an email or any place you want to share it.